Friday, March 12, 2010

Ich Mag Marc Woehr

I'm sorry Miss Bugs but I've found a German I like more. Plus I recently read about you and found out that in fact you are two people, a girl and a guy (Miss & Bugs). So, I've moved on and found Marc Woehr. It's a random story of how we met. I was in a backpacker hostel in Munich browsing all the 'tourist' guff out on reception. I spotted a small mag called re.flect with a Sin City looking fashion shot on the front. After realising it was in Deutsche I nearly chucked it. But then I saw these spraypainted, dark, moody cityscapes with his name on. I get a sense of misery and depression out of them interspersed with the lightning blots of flourescent emphasising a glimmer of hope, of creativity maybe, sparking up out of apocalyptic, monochrome highrises.

Time to hear from Marc in his interview for re.flect (the only bit not in German in the whole magazine) : "My favourite colour is black (even though technically it is not a colour)....[I use] techniques to being the 'imagined' onto our spatial plane. I always use a single line as a source, letting it develop into a shape which only seems to truly be."

Ok Marc, so you've totally lost me there, maybe they didn't translate you properly or maybe I need to sit and stare at your work for an extended period of time to see this evolving single line. Even so...ich liebe es.

Technorati Claim - E96AG4ESYTMK

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